パススルー (Passthrough)
アイトラッキング (Eye Tracking)
6DoF (6 Degrees of Freedom)
HMD (Head Mounted Display)
If you like books you should go to this cafe!/本好きには堪らない「喫茶酒場 本棚探偵」
https://deovr.com/pot7zh I would like to introduce you to a wonderful cafe in Osu Japan. This is a cafe and bar called "HondanaTantei". "HondanaTantei" means detective of bookshelf . As the name suggests, there are many books in this cafe. There are count ...
スコット・マクドナルドって誰? - Who Is Scott McDonald?
https://deovr.com/0h5206 スコット・マクドナルドについては、ラスベガス・サーカス・センターでのアクロバティック・トレーニング・セッションで、彼自身から直接聞くことができる。 Find out more about Scott McDonald from him personally during his acrobatic training session at Las Vegas Circus Center. For more information about Scott Mc ...